An old business hotel located near Miebashi Station in Naha City was transformed into a new hotel using “New Okinawa” as a concept. It was designed using a combination of Okinawa’s traditional materials and patterns from a different perspective. T
he Bistro Café located on the first floor can be enjoyed by everyody, not just hotel guests. The café’s counter serves as a hotel reception desk to achieve the hotel’s concept as an accommodation facility that provides a place for interpersonal exchange.

那覇市内の美栄橋駅付近にある、もともとあった古いビジネスホテルを「新しい沖縄」をコンセプト に沖縄の伝統的な素材や 模様を、視点を変えて組み合わせ空間をデザインしました。